Selling your Business

Selling your Business

Business Sale statistics tell you that it is not always easy to sell a business. West Midlands Business Advisors will  ensure your business is ready for sale and will work with you every step of the way until the sale is completed.

We very much encourage a collaborative approach and will work with you to ensure we have the latest information to manage the sale process professionally and successfully. We will develop a sale plan and timeline, which we will monitor with you as we move through all key milestones.

Our fee structure will always be transparent and fair and we will be able to develop a structure which suits you. Our focus will always remain on increasing your profitability, thus increasing the selling price of your business.

Improving your profitability will increase the value of your business which can more than cover any fees associated with selling your business.

We do not support the traditional selling model of the seller paying large fees at the start of the project.

The Selling Process

Our aim is to achieve the best selling price for your business. To do this we will design a unique process based upon standard steps to ensure we understand your business, and that at all times we are in a position to make the right decisions and promote the selling points of the business.


Call us now for a free consultation: 0121 769 0272